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Massage for Menopause

Menopause is a stage of life that every woman will go through, and much like Puberty (at the other end of the scale) it effects your hormones, body, emotions and mind. The average age of Menopause is 51, but Perimenopause symptoms can start as early as 35.


You may only have minimal side effects, but for a lot of women the symptoms can be debilitating and completely life changing.

The most common side effect is hot flushes, but it can also cause headaches, disrupted sleep, anxiety and depression, vaginal dryness, UTI's, mood fluctuations,  muscle / joint pain, and heavy or light irregular periods.


Now this may be an unavoidable part of our lives, but that doesn't mean we have to suffer!





"Massage for Menopause" is here to help!



Using a 4 step approach, This signature treatment combines the healing powers of Essential Oils,

Acupressure and Massage, to give you a personalised treatment that targets the symptoms that you are struggling with the most.





The healing powers of massage can have many health benefits. It can reduce stress and tension, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, calm the mind and release endorphins. 



Acupressure is similar to Acupuncture but uses your finger or thumb to apply pressure rather than needles. It uses the same theory of Chinese medicine to help bring your body in to balance and optimal health by stimulating different Acupoints. These points work with different organs, hormones, bodily systems and meridians (energy lines) throughout the body to promote healing.

During this signature treatment, I incorporate stimulating specific points that can help reduce the symptoms of Menopause, in to the massage.


Essential Oils

Pure Essential oils have many health benefits for our body and mind. During this treatment, we will pick the best oils for your massage blend to help target and reduce your menopausal symptoms. I will also use them on the Acupoints to enhance their effect.

Acupressure Plaster and Aftercare

After your treatment, I will then show you where the Acupoints are so that you can continue to work on them between your appointments.

You will also receive a  small magnet and plaster to place over the point to keep it stimulated.

Contact me to try it for yourself!

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